"The Only Way to Have a Friend Is to Be One." Ralph Waldo Emerson

by Roxanne Lea Dubarry


"The only way to have a friend is to be one." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Oh, "The only way to have a friend is to be one." According to Ralph Waldo Emerson. You have spent your entire earthly existence just trying to find your very own special Some one. You honestly really need a very special friend, who will stick closer than either a mother, father, sister or brother. Who will never fail you and has known all about you. Before your were even born, so why should you continue being so forlorn? If you really want to know his name, it is Jesus Christ. And he is able to clean up your entire life. Do not even blink once or twice. Why not Consider his free gift of ever lasting life? Why not let him wash away all of your darkest and deepest sins? Faithfully promising to forget all about them. Casting them into the darkest deepest sea. What do you really say? Are you willing to trust and obey him right now this very day? Without any further and unnecessary delay. Why not take time out to pray to him? He faithfully promises to hear and listen to you pray for salvation.

"The only way to have a friend is to be one." Your very best friend can be Jesus Christ, both the author and source of everlasting life. Right now he is busy standing outside your heart's door. Watching, and waiting and knocking outside your heart's door. Believing you will ask him to come into your heart. Granting your entire life a brand new start. Jesus Christ will give you victory over death, hell, and the grave. You no longer have to be afraid of the White Throne Judgment Day! Satan will no longer have any power to tempt you, and the devil will have no power to deceive you. Unless you are foolish enough to believe his lies! The Holy Spirit will lead you, and guide you, and live right inside of your heart. You will be able to hear his tender loving voice encouraging you to make the right choices. Your former lifestyle has past away. Jesus Christ has given you a fresh brand new start in life!

Love in Christ Jesus!

Roxanne Lea Dubarry

Roxy Lea 1954

Roxy 1954/ October Country

January 20, 2020

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