The Concepts of My Philosophy

by Franc

The Ennoia is the concept of my philosophy of Metaphysics, Logic and Ethics, and these are the concepts and definitions that are represented, by Greek and Latín derivative words. (The 'ch' is pronounced like a 'k' and the 'sch' like a 'sk' with the unfamiliar Greek words.) Ennoiacs is the fundamental teaching of my philosophy.

The Sympan

-the universe.

The Synthesis

-the composition of the universe.

The Physis

-the nature of the universe.

The Diastema

-the space in the universe.

The Chronos

-the time of the universe.

The Polychronos

-the eternity of the universe.

The Kenosis

-the motion of the universe.

The Energeia

-the energy of the universe.

The Varitity

-the gravity of the universe.

The Elachistos

-the particles of the universe.

The Phasma

-the spectrum of the universe.

The Dynamis

-the force of the universe.

The Ergon

-The actions of the universe.

The Drasticotity

-the activity of the universe.

The Ichos

-the sounds of the universe.

The Phota

-the lights of the universe.

The Prolepsis

-the origin of the universe.

The Diergasis

-the process of the universe.

The Cosmos

-the order of the universe.

The Omphalos

-the centre of the universe.

The Exelixis

-the evolving state of the universe.

The Proteus

-the change of the universe.

The Diastases

-the dimensions of the universe.

The Schimatismos

-the constellations of the universe.

The Diascorpis

-the dispersion of matter in the universe.

The Asteria

-the stars in the universe.

The Planitis

-the planets of the universe.

The Phengaria

-the moons of the universe.

The Ilioi

-the suns of the universe.

The Demiurgos

-the Creator of the universe.

The Demiurgia

-the creation of the universe.

The Chtisis

-the foundation of the universe.

The Apeiron

-the infinity of the universe.

The Theion

-the hierarchy of the universe.

The Oros

-the zenith of the universe.

The Ouranos

-the depth of the universe.

The Horismos

-the boundary of the universe.

The Omnis

-the entirety of the universe.

The Exousia

-the essence of the universe.

The Tetragen

-the four elements of the Earth, Water, Air and Fire.

The Tydiaseira

-the solar system.

The Galaxias

-the Milky Way.

The Kymaphotos

-the waves of light.

The Kymaenergeia

-the waves of energy.

The Ousia

-the essence of living beings.

The Cosmicity

-the universality of living beings.

The Pancosma Alitheia.

-a universal truth that corresponds to reality and if universal, it means always and everywhere. Thus, a universal truth is a clear statement which corresponds to reality regardless of time and space. (Example: the number ten is greater than five-not exactly profound, but always true.)

The Agnoia

-the ignorance of the universal truth.

The Cosmogony

-the study that deals specifically with the origin of the universe.

The Cosmology

-the branch of metaphysics that deals with the world as the totality of all phenomena in space and time.

The Cosmosnoetos

-the intelligible universe of forms and intellectual matter. (Example: The composition of matter and form of our world that is seen, through the perception of the innate ability of our intellect.)

The Kylozois

-the circle of universal life. (Example: Every existential being of the universe.)

The Metaplitos

-the variable form of matter.

The Ametaplitos

-the invariable form of matter.

The Idiaiteros.

-the particular form of matter.

The Anapophasistos

-the undetermined matter.

The Orbis

-the rotation of the Earth.

The Diacon

-the parallel motion of something universal.

The Terra

-the Earth.

The On (Eonta) pl

-an existential being of the universe.

The Tellurians

-the people of the planet Earth.

The Anthropotity

-the mankind.

The Anthropos

-the human being.

The Demos

-the people.

The Aristos

-the nobility of people.

The Quotidianity

-the daily life.

The Mythos

-the lore of the human beings.

The Eidon

-the practical world.

The Chthonia

-the darkness of the world.

The Ecumene

-the known inhabited areas of the world.

The Consimilis Orbis

-the parallel world.

The Spodis

-the acceleration of time.

The Catachronon

-the duration of time.

The Chronodiagramme

-a timeline.

The Chiliad

-consisting of a thousand things or a thousand years.

The Hen

-the oneness of something. (Example: The being and unity are one and the same thing in that they are implied in each other. Thus, something can be existential and still pertain to the oneness of that something.)

The Heteron

-the otherness of something. (Example: The being and difference are not the same thing that they are implied to each other. Thus, the something cannot be existential and still pertain to the oneness of that something.)

The Megethos

-the magnitude of something. (Example: The universe is of an absolute or relative size.)

The Adiareton Megethos

-the indivisible magnitude of something. (Example: The world is the same, although it is only perceived as that by us).

The Omneity

-the state of being all in existence. (Example: The universe is entirely existential in its form and matter.)

The Omnitude

-the state of being all in presence. (Example: The entire beings of the universe are present.)

The Mitheia

-the non divinity of the universe.

The Pleroma

-the cosmic energy of the universe.

The Hypodoche

-the matter of the universe.

The Schema

-the forms of existence.

The Hyle

-the matter of something that is existential.

The Amorphe

-the form of a matter that is existential or the first cause of something.

The Dyad

-the second cause of something that is existential.

The Synecdoche

-the element of something to represent the whole part.

The Hexis

-the manner in which we exist.

The Acriveia

-the exactitude of a form or matter.

The Hypostasis

-the foundation of universal existence.

The Hylism

-the materialism or existence.

The Empsychus (Empsycha) pl

-a thing that have life. (Example: Plants and animals have life).

The Synyparxis

-the co-existence of something.

The Iperecticotity

-the surreality of existence.

The Oichomenichotity

-the state of being universal.

The Toparelton

-the past of existence.

The Paron

-the present of existence.

The Mellonticos

-the future of existence.

The Pythanoteta

-the chance of existence.

The Erchomos

-the arrival of existence.

The Phanerosis

-the manifestation of existence.

The Viosimotity

-the sustainability of existence.

The Synaition

-a necessary state of existence.

The Pragma

-the realisation of existence.

The Syncrisy

-the comparison of existence.

The Intelligentem

-the understanding of existence.

The Anagnorisis

-the recognition of existence.

The Pepromene

-the destiny of human existence.

The Psaximos

-the metaphysical search for existence.

The Tylitis Hyparxis

-the oblivion of being.

The Methexis

-the relation between a particular and a Platonic form of existence.

The Hyzoloism

-the thought that all matter has life.

The Arche

-The origin of a cause of existential things.

The Eidos

-the universal essence of being.

The Anticheimenon

-the physical form of matter.

The Ipseity

-the oneself of something. (Example: The ego is representative of our identity.)

The Seity

-the quality peculiar to oneself. (Example: The intellect is peculiar to our identity).

The Aseity

-a self-existence of something. (Example: The soul is considered self-existing.)

The In Posse State

-the state of potentiality or the Dynamis. (Example: A person has a potential to exist).

The In Esse State

-the state of actuality or the Entelecheia. (Example: A person does not exist.)

The Neminem

-the state of a non existence. In Ethics, it is the state of being a nobody in society.

The Quindam

-the state of a possible existence. In Ethics, it is the state of being a somebody in society.

The Omnibus

-the state of complete existence. In Ethics, it is the state of being a whole of society.

The Hyparxis

-the essential nature of universal being.

The Haecceity

-the property of being a unique and individual thing. (Example: Virtue is a property of Ethics that is unique and individual.)

The Mecum

-the belief that we are the only existential beings in the universe.

The Nobiscum

-the belief that we are not the only existential beings in the universe.

The Ocosmos

-the belief that the only relevant world is the world we live on the planet Earth.

The Hyparchein

-the state that belongs to an existential thing than can exist, without existing. (Example: The air is existential to our breathing, but it can exist without our breath.)

The Idion

-the property that belongs to something. (Example: The air is a property of the Earth).

The Quale

-the property considered from a thing having a property.

The Posositicos Allagis

-the quantitative change in something.

The Poioticos Allagis

-the qualitative change in something.

The Ousia Allagis

-the substantial change in something.

The Quoddamodotatity

-the certainty of being.

The Quondamity

-the previous state of being.

The Solipsism

-the theory that the self is all that exists or that can be proven to exist.

The Nullibicity

-the state of nothingness.

The Omnis

-the state of entirety.

The Caliginosity

-the state of darkness.

The Noeton

-the intelligible or object of intellect. (Example: A human being that has a form of intellect can comprehend the nature of the universe with his intellect.)

The Sine Qua

-the essential element or state.

The Heimarmene

-the universal course of fate as it pertains to the orderly succession of cause and effect. (Example: The Earth will continue its existence, as long as that existence is not interrupted by a natural phenomenon.)

The Noumenon

-the conception of a thing that is known. (Example: The Earth belongs to a set of planets in the universe).

The Necris

-the state of physical death.

The Thanatopsis

-the contemplation of death.

The Synolon

-the individual compound.

The Paschein

-the action that is imposed on us.

The Phenomenon

-A thing or being, event or process, perceptible through senses; or a fact or occurrence thereof.

The Ephiphenomenon

-the state that is a result of another state.

The Quantum

-a unit of a given quantifiable phenomenon.

The Tyche

-the chance of a phenomenon.

The Aoriston

-the indefinite cause of a phenomenon.

The Mechanism

-the theory that all natural phenomena can be explained by physical causes.

The Hylomorphism

-the belief that every physical substance is the sum of its component matter and the form taken by that matter.

The Atomism

-the ancient Greek theory that all matter is composed of very small indestructible and indivisible particles.

The Deism

-a belief in a Universal Creator knowable through human reason and, not by supernatural phenomena or specific religious doctrines.

The Theism

-a belief in a Universal Creator.

The Pandesim

-a belief in a Universal Creator, who is both pantheistic and deistic.

The Pantheism

-a belief that the universe is in some sense divine and should be revered, but denies any transcending of a Universal Creator.

The Atheism

-a belief in no Universal Creator.

The Ditheism

-a belief in two deities.

The Metathanaton

-the afterlife.

The Syneidesis

-the conscience or faculty of recognising from immoral and moral.

The Consilience

-a concurrence of multiple inductions drawn from different sources.

The Arsis Nous

-the elevated mind.

The Diaphotisis

-the enlightenment of the mind.

The Hermes

-the creativity of the mind.

The Artemis

-the untamed mind.

The Aplotity

-the simplicity of the mind.

The Dyscolia

-the difficulty of the mind.

The Isorropia

-the equilibrium of the mind.

The Anisorropia

-the unbalance of the mind.

The Aesthesis

-the perception of the mind.

The Deimos

-the terror of the mind.

The Epilisis

-the solution of the mind.

The Stochos

-a deep meditation of the mind or its subjectivity.

The Siopis

-the silence of the mind.

The Phantasma

-the dream state of the mind.

The Ephialtis

-a nightmare of the mind.

The Epicheia

-the reasonableness of the mind.

The Megalosyne

-the greatness of the mind.

The Metrioty

-the ordinariness of the mind.

The Epitidepsis

-the sophistication of the mind.

The Aperischepsy

-the thoughtlessness of the mind.

The Theticotity

-the possitivity of the mind.

The Arniticotity

-the negativity of the mind.

The Synochy

-the coherence of the mind.

The Iposyneidisis

-the subconsciousness of the mind.

The Kratos

-the might of the mind.

The Allagis

-the change in the mind.

The Ipnos

-the dormant state of the mind.

The Apinisis

-the awakening of the mind.

The Ebros

-the range of the mind.

The Methodos

-the enquiry of the mind.

The Skepsis

-the doubt of the mind.

The Psychraimia

-the composure of the mind.

The Encrateia

-the self-control of the mind.

The Conspection

-the observation of the mind.

The Constatation

-the verification of the mind.

The Chrisimotity

-the utility of the mind.

The Periorismos

-the restraint of the mind.

The Metanoia

-the reflection of the mind.

The Cathorismos

-the determination of the mind.

The Ermineies

-the interpretation of the mind.

The Ipologismos

-the calculation of the mind.

The Archon

-the control of the mind.

The Solivagance

-the drifting of the mind

The Jorexis

-the desire to know of the mind.

The Sophrosyne

-the soundness of the mind.

The Noimosyne

-an artificial intelligence.

The Koinelogic

-the common sense.

The Parotrynos

-the human instinct.

The Diaisthisis

-the human intuition.

The Aisthiticotis

-the sentience.

The Antilipticotis

-the percipience.

The Ipocheimenicotity

-the subjectivity.

The Mnimis

-the memory.

The Propathos

-the instinctive reaction.

The Intellection

-the mental activity or process of grasping with the intellect; apprehension by the mind; understanding.

The Oicheiosis

-the perception of something as being one's own.

The Prodos

-the movement of the beings of one to the multiplicity. (Example: A person gets married and has children. Thus, that person begins his own family and becomes multiple and is no longer a singular member of a family.)

The Kairos

-the propitious moment for action.

The Synchronos

-the same action in a precise moment.

The Peripeteia

-the sudden reversal of fortune.

The Soma

-the body.

The Animus

-the basic impulses and instincts that govern actions.

The Ephigeneiacism

-the power of the will.

The Elleipsis Thelisis

-the nolition of the will.

The Enopion

-a philosophical meeting of the minds.

The Diatiris

-the preservation of the body, mind and soul.

The Synchonepsis

-The fusion of the mind and soul.

The Syschetis

-the correlation of the mind and soul.

The Symphiliosis

-the reconciliation of the mind with the soul.

The Deina

-the suffering of the body, soul and mind.

The Irinis

-the harmony of the body, soul and mind.

The Polemos

-the disruption of the body, soul and mind.

The Soteria

-the protection of the mind, body and soul.

The Epichoinony

-the contact of the mind with the body and soul.

The Syndesmos

-the connection of the mind, body and soul.

The Psychomacy

-the conflict between the body and soul.

The Agon

-the intellectual conflict of the soul and mind.

The Expergefaction

-a philosophical awakening of the body, mind and soul.

The Melete

-the form of meditation.

The Henosis

-the connection in meditation of the oneness of the body, mind and soul with the universe.

The Catastasis Enteleia

-the complete state achieved in meditation and enlightenment. It is comparative to Nirvana in Buddhism.

The Simplex

-the simple way of thinking.

The Implex

-the advanced way of thinking.

The Chimera

-a fanciful thought.

The Eschaton

-the continuation of thought.

The Epeigon

-the urgent thought.

The Endoxa

-a consensus of thought.

The Subreption

-the concealment of thought.

The Synchentrone

-the focus of thought.

The Ipodigm

-the pattern of thought.

The Mythistorema

-the fallacy of thought.

The Megathirion

-the large influx of thought.

The Elachiston

-the minimum of thought.

The Quotience

-the number of thoughts.

The Metaphora

-the transference of a thought into an ideal.

The Miasyrroiskepsis

-a large influx of uncontrollable thoughts.

The Dynamy

-the mental strength.

The Adynamy

-the mental weakness.

The Asphaleia

-the mental security.

The Anasphaleia

-the mental insecurity.

The Ipologistis

-the logical order.

The Eromen

-the logical or ethical question.

The Categoros

-the affirmation of logic.

The Epicherima

-the argument of logic.

The Antepicheirima

-the counterargument of logic.

The Domis

-the structure of logic.

The Dexiosis

-the function of logic.

The Cataschion

-the constructive reasoning of logic.

The Apantisis

-the answer of logic.

The Idioctisia

-a property of logic.

The Hairesis

-a system of principles in ethics and logic.

The Chorismos

-the division between the intelligible and the perceptible.

The Syneideticity

-the condition of consciousness.

The Syneidesis

-the capacity to apply general principles of moral judgement to particular cases.

The Epipede Syneidesis

-the levels of consciousness.

The Ornum

-the philosophical awakening.

The Apopsis

-the philosophical point of view.

The Lexis

-the philosophical vocabulary.

The Paidea

-the epitome of ethical and intellectual achievement of philosophy.

The Phrontistery

-a place for philosophical thinking.

The Philomathy

-the love of learning.

The Symposium

-A conference or other meeting for the discussion of a philosophical topic, especially one in which the participants make presentations or arguments.

The Mathitís

-the student of philosophy.

The Didascolos

-the teacher of philosophy.

The Phren

-the mind of philosophy.

The Phroimion

-the introduction to philosophy.

The Mathema

-the learning of philosophy.

The Anagnosis

-the reading of philosophy.

The Aitiologisis

-the explanation of philosophy.

The Epocherima

-the argument of philosophy.

The Ermineia

-the interpretation of philosophy.

The Odigia

-the guideline of philosophy.

The Cheirismos

-the application of philosophy.

The Didascalia

-the teaching of philosophy.

The Synennoisis

-the understanding of philosophy.

The Theoria

-the speculation of philosophy.

The Syneisphora

-a contribution to philosophy.

The Ageinon

-the guiding principle of philosophy.

The Doxaria

-the belief of philosophy.

The Aschisis

-the practice of philosophy.

The Metapheme

-the intellectual conversation on philosophy.

The Pronoia

-the foreknowledge of philosophy.

The Organum

-the instrument of philosophy.

The Lexis

-the vocabulary of philosophy.

The Hypodecnome

-the demonstration of philosophy.

The Alitheia

-the truth of philosophy.

The Themelion

-the foundation of a philosophical belief.

The Midenismos

-the scepticism of philosophy.

The Paragogis

-the derivation of a philosophical statement.

The Apopsis

-a philosophical viewpoint.

The Amphilegos

-a philosophical dispute.

The Disception

-a philosophical debate.

The Synomily

-a philosophical dialogue.

The Anaptixis

-a philosophical development in an argument.

The Pantosophy

-the universal knowledge.

The Cyclopedia

-the circle of human knowledge.

The Apognosis

-no knowledge.

The Epignosis

-a clear and precise knowledge.

The Gnorimos

-the quality of knowledge.

The Metachiathon

-the pursuit of knowledge.

The Empiricism

-a pursuit of knowledge purely through experience, especially by means of observation and sometimes by experimentation.


-the concepts and relations which are conceived as beyond, and yet related to, the knowledge gained by experience.

The Episteme

-a principled system of understanding; sometimes contrasted with empiricism.

The Ontosophy

-the knowledge of existence.

The Sciosophy

-the knowledge based without science.

The Diasophy

-the ultimate state of wisdom.

The Pansophy

-the learnt state of wisdom.

The Thymosophy

-the practical state of wisdom.

The Morosophy

-the foolish pretence of wisdom.

The Sophy

-the wisdom of philosophy.

The Quare

-the why of an argument.

The Quis

-the what of an argument.

The Quantus

-the how of an argument.

The Quam

-the when of an argument.

The Quisnam

-the which of an argument.

The Sic

-the yes of an argument.

The Non

-the no of an argument.

The Xechinos

-the beginning of an argument.

The Propothesis

-the premise of an argument.

The Plaisios

-the structure of an argument.

The Catadixis

-the conviction of something.

The Elithiotity

-the stupidity of an argument.

The Endiapheron

-the interest of the argument.

The Non Sequitur

-the invalid argument.

The Syncatathesis

-the agreement of an argument

The Doxa

-the core of an opinion.

The Dicaiosyne

-the core of laws for justice.

The Apophasisticotity

-the core of determined principles.

The Organon

-the core of a principle.

The Telos

-the core of a goal.

The Aition

-the core of a cause.

The Dianoia

-the core of a reason.

The Gnosis

-the core of a knowledge.

The Hypolepsis

-the core of an idea.

The Nous

-the core of a reason.

The Nomos

-the core of a law that govern human behaviour.

The Ethimos

-the core of a custom.

The Arete

-the core of a virtue.

The Praxis

-the core of a practice.

The Catanoisis

-the core of fundamentals.

The Plyrophory

-the core of information.

The Dianoia

-the core of a discursive thought.

The Logos

-the core of rational thoughts.

The Rhetoric

-the means of persuasion.

The Plerophory

-the act of persuasion.

The Echolalia

-the meaningless repetition of words.

-The Sonatas

-the formation of words.

The Quiddity

-the essence of something.

The Peristasis

-the sequence of something.

The Metoicos

-the external influence of something.

The Empnephsis

-the inspiration of something.

The Incompossiblility.

-the incompatibility of something.

The Compossibility

-the compatibility of something.

The Acatalepton

-the impossibility to understand something.

The Pythanotity

-the possibility to understand something.

The Acatanoisis

-the incomprehension of something.

The Catanoisis

-the comprehension of something.

The Orismos

-the definition of something.

The Enantia

-the specificity of something.

The Diairesis

-a group of classifications of something.

The Tauton

-the equal of something.

The Differentia

-the distinguishing feature of something.

The Prostis

-the relativity of something.

The Pretermition

-the disregard of something.

The Crisimos

-the turning point of something.

The Apophaticon

-the negation of something.

The Antiphasis

-the contradiction of something.

The Endechomen

-the impossibility of something. (Example: Time will cease to exist.)

The Dynatotity

-the possibility of something. (Example: The universe is probably endless in its dimensions.)

The Archetype

-the original model of something.

The Noesis

-the intelligence of something.

The Empynephsis

-the inspiration of something.

The Stoicheion

-the element of something.

The Paucity

-the fewness of something.

The Multiplicity

-the abundance of something.

The Omoioty

-the similarity of something.

The Pysmaticity

-the enquiry of something.

The Topos

-the natural place of something.

The Ecphonesis

-The exclamation of something.

The Apotelesm

-the effect of something.

The Koinotity

-the commonality of something.

The Apotelism

-the outcome of something.

The Symperasma

-the conclusion of something.

The Intrinsicality

-the inner element of something.

The Extrinsicality

-the outer element of something.

The Phtoria

-the extinction of something.

The Lemma

-the premise of something.

The Genesis

-the birth of something.

The Palingenesis

-the rebirth of something.

The Orexis

-the yearning for something.

The Hypernoia

-the hidden meaning of something.

The Epipepaiosis

-the confirmation of something.

The Hyperousia

-a transcendence of something.

The Hypolepsis

-the idea or conception of something.

The Thyscheticotity

-the relativity of something.

The Paratirisis

-the observation of something.

The Orama

-the vision of something.

The Synepeia

-the consequence of something.

The Idiotity

-the property of something.

The Anapoiesis

-the re-creation of something.

The Parergon

-the secondary function of something.

The Atomicoton

-the individuality of something.

The Echein

-the partiality of something.

The Teleion

-the perfection of something.

The Homoion

-the similarity of something.

The Holon

-the totality of something.

The Colobon

-the fragmentation of something.

The Sui Generis

-the unique thing of something.

The Quidam

-the certainty of something.

The Pellucidity

-the clarity of something.

The Vis

-the force of something.

The Choriticotity

-the capacity of something.

The Sychnotity

-the frequency of something.

The Lysis

-the solution of something.

The Emphanisis

-the manifestation of something.

The Ecplirosis

-the fulfilment of something.

The Stochasticity

-the random occurrence of something.

The Quemadmodum

-the instance of something.

The Diuturnity

-the long duration of something.

The Definiendum

-the definition of something.

The Vivendum

-the visibility of something.

The Continuum

-a continuous series or whole, no part of which is noticeably different from its adjacent parts, although the ends or extremes of it are very different from each other.

The Reification

-the consideration of an abstract thing.

The Prosopopeia

-the personification of an abstraction.

The Vasileios

-the abstract sphere of influence, real or imagined.

The Metron

-the sphere of influence.

The Idiomorphe

-something that has a unique, characteristic form.

The Noema

-something that is perceived as perceived. (Example: The universe is existential, because it is visible).

The Hemisus

-something that is half fact and half theory.

The Peirasticity

-something that experimental or tentative.

The Didascalicity

-something that is related to teaching.

The Hechosios

-something that is voluntary.

The Catalathos

-something that happens by accident.

The Desideratum

-something that is desirable.

The Mirum

-something that is wonderful.

The Explanadum

-something that is explained.

The Cogitamentum

-something that is thought.

The Metaphysical

-something that transcends physical matter or the laws of nature.

The Metaphenomenal

-something that may only be apprehended through abstract thought, rather than through ordinary sense perceptions; lying beyond experiential knowledge or immediate reality.

The Desipience

-something that is a foolishness.

The Somatic

-something that is related to the body.

The Epithmy

-the desire of the body.

The Epcharistisis

-the pleasure of the body.

The Erethism

-an abnormal high degree of instability to simulation of body.

The Acrasia

-the self-control of the body.

The Dracon

-the severity of the laws of government.

The Determinism

-the doctrine of ethics that all actions are determined by the current state and immutable laws of the universe, with no possibility of choice.

The Indeterminism

-the doctrine that all human actions are not so much determined by the preceding events, conditions, causes or karma as by deliberate choice or free will.

The Symperifora

-the moral conduct of ethics.

The Upocreosy

-the commitment to ethics.

The Iticotis

-the morality of ethics.

-The Themelios

-the foundation of ethics.

The Cathodigis

-the guidance of ethics.

The Cathicon

-the ethical and moral duty.

The Xenia

-the hospitality towards a stranger in ethics.

The Spodaios

-someone who has a sense of the importance of living life well and of fulfilling one's task in society in accordance with the highest standards.

The Caloethes

-the goodness of a person.

The Philautity

-the badness of a person.

The Calocagathia

-the teaching of the harmonious combination of physical and moral virtues.

The Mores

-a set of accepted moral norms or customs.

The Ethos

-the character of a person.

The Eros

-the passion of the body.

The Pathos

-the rhetoric of the mind.

The Thanatos

-the mortality of the body.

The Syneisthima

-the influx of emotions.

The Metriopatheia

-the moderation of emotions.

The Nepenthos

-the banishment of emotional sorrow.

The Xespasm

-the outburst of emotions.

The Phantasmata

-the sensory impressions.

The Phantasmagoria

-A dreamlike state where real and imagined elements are blurred together.

The Descant

-a lengthy discourse on a subject.

The Metamorphosis

-The change of one state of consciousness to another.

The Diachronicity

-the understanding of events by the way they relate over time, rather than by their momentary significance.

The Epagoge

-the adducing of particular examples so as to lead to a universal conclusion; the argument by induction.

The Supervenience

-the state or quality of being supervenient, of being in a dependency relationship such that an object with the supervened properties must also have the supervening properties.

The Solecism

-an erroneous mistake or usage.

The Erotesis

-a figure of speech whereby a question is asked in confident expectation of a negative answer.

The Cataphronetis

-the erroneous presumption.

The Parrhesia

-the freedom of speech.

The Fallaciloquence

-a deceitful speech.

The Alogism

-an illogical statement.

The Epilogue

-a rhetorical conclusion.

The Elenchus

-a rhetorical enquiry.

The Aporia

-the insoluble contradiction in a text's meaning; a logical impasse suggested by a text or speaker.

The Anistrophon

-reversing the opponent's argument against them.

The Accismus

-the feigning of disinterest in something while actually desiring it.

The Hyperphron

-the pride of a man.

The Eunoia

-the goodwill of a person.

The Adelphotity

-the brotherhood.

The Eutrapely

-a conversational wit.

The Terpsis

-the pleasure of life.

The Utinam

-a fervent wish.

The Epicaracy

-the rejoicing at the misfortune of others.

The Scevity

-a bad misfortune.

The Eudaimon

-the good conscience.

The Cacodaimon

-the bad conscience.

The Eudaimonia

-the absolute state of happiness.

The Hedone

-the state of pleasure.

The Ophemility

-the ability for satisfaction.

The Philia

-the friendship of humanity.

The Syngeneia

-the affinity of humanity.

The Philotimon

-the greed for vain honour.

The Metanotity

-When the soul after human death becomes one with the universe.

The Hegimonicon

-the directive faculty of the soul.

The Hypochemenon

-the universal essence of the soul.

The Psychis

-the soul.

The Symbebecos

-a contingent attribute of the soul. (Example: The beauty of love is an attribute of the soul).

The Xepsychos

-the last mortal breath of the soul before death.

The Hades

-the depravity of the soul.

The Elysium

-the enlightenment of the soul.

The Barathron

-the ruination of the soul.

The Musa

-the temperament of the soul.

The Dedition

-the submission of the soul.

The Sclirotity

-the cruelty of a soul.

The Pneuma

-the state of the soul.

The Exetasis

-the examination of the soul.

The Exoria

-the exile of the soul.

The Volition

-the willingness of the soul.

The Nolition

-The unwillingness of the soul.

The Enymerotis

-the cognisance of the soul.

The Agathon

-the goodness of the soul.

The Apthartos

-the indestructability of the soul.

The Dysmenes

-the hostility of the soul.

The Athanatos

-the immortality of the soul.

The Eusebia

-the piety of the soul.

The Adiareton

-the indivisibility of the soul.

The Thelis

-the volition of the soul.

The Sthenos

-the strength of the soul.

The Aphrosyne

-The ignorance of the soul.

The Epimartyresis

-the attestation of the soul.

The Diathesis

-the mood of the soul.

The Steresis

-the deprivation of the soul.

The Drasis

-the action of the soul.

The Eleos

-the mercy of the soul.

The Catastasis

-the plight of the soul.

The Calosyne

-the humaneness of the soul.

The Phroniman

-the consciousness of the soul.

The Aphairesis

-the negation of the soul.

The Allotrion

-the external influence of the soul.

The Kakia

-the evil of the soul.

The Sympony

-the compassion of the soul.

The Megalopsychy

-the immense state of the soul.

The Adiareton

-the indivisibility of the soul.

The Thlipsis

-the sadness of the soul.

The Eptychia

-the happiness of the soul.

The Ponos

-the pain of the soul.

The Anisychia

-the concern of the soul.

The Aestheneia

-the illness of the soul.

The Dysthymos

-the melancholy of the soul.

The Amphibolia

-the ambiguity of the soul.

The Agapis

-the love of the soul.

The Mysos

-the hatred of the soul.

The Diaphotisis

-the enlightenment of the soul.

The Philodoxis

-the vanity of the soul.

The Philoneicheia

-the strife of the soul.

The Physiosis

-the arrogance of the soul.

The Chreia

-the need of the soul.

The Psychiasis

-the healing of the soul.

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