
I write prolificly, whether that's a good thing, I'll leave for you to decide. Mostly I write because it's all I have to do. I wanted to be rich, but the sound of people shaking their head 'no!' was disturbing the neighbors. I know that that's supposed to be impossible, but I swear, it's true! Either that, or I'm well off my nut. As I don't FEEL crazy, I've chosen to believe I can hear it. I used to have a regular job, but I guess having your head bashed in in a car accident, suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury, and spending thirteen days oblivious of reality then waking up and not being able to walk very well procludes me from delivering the mail, so, here I am, in front of your face!


Joined: November 2015

Submissions: 13

Word Count: 11,252

Total reading time: 0h 56m

Views: 269