Whispers of a Man in Desperation

by Jaystone

Whispers of a Man in Desperation

By Jaystone

Senseless beings accounts for the absolute nothingness in this life.

Merely by trial and error are not more that families playing russiun roulette.

Yesterday is gone for today folks; will our tomorrow become our semblance of yesterday?

Ohhhhh!! These whispers .groans from a mans deepest parts, hoping someone will listen.

We all want more, this is our American dream, to waltz the red carpet, see the glimmer of T.V. . For everyone else to wonder just who we are? Are they as us, do they bleed as us, maybe they are the same to us. Ok to be able to be as another take away my shallow cover let my whispers roar.

I heard a fool's prophet speak. His lies was well hidden in deceit, Hooked as a waiting worm enticing. Our future is our destiny which is why we seek this thing, or what semblance of a holy man and what he knows. We want instant gratification to let our social graces be damned. I am whispering hoping the music would be turned down, yet it grapples too loud No one hears my simple story.

I write down this past, present, future, for you all to look at and decipher. My benevolence is to those deserving, my malevolence to those hated. Kharma of the souls which stirs in a spirings breeze. Our acts, or deeds tell stories indeed. Ha! But the trick is to get one just one to listen.

All of my mistakes have meaning. If not I've never learned, sure I've gotten past self loathing only to find insecure emotions rear their head. I whisper the still small voice. Listen world, please listen world, you do have a choice. I don't think I can change you, for I can't change myself. My eyes fill with tears, for the entire world to stand and jeer. Yeah to whisper to let them know not to travel the only road I've known. Hear my whispers as I am in desperation.

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