Beware of Wolf 2

by Brian Dunlop

"Revenge, at first though sweet, bitter ere long back on itself recoils." - John Milton

After the death of his brother, John, Tim hasn't been the same. All that is on his mind, since then is wolves and revenge. Tim's mind is so riddled with thoughts of revenge that he often stares off into space, in an almost catatonic like state for hours at a time, just thinking of a way to take revenge on the very wolves who took his brother's life on that fateful day in the Yellowcreek Forrest. Now, Tim has decided to return to the Yellowcreek Forrest, but this time armed with a 9mm automatic handgun and several magazine clips. This is where the story begins.

"I'll show those fucking wolves, who's boss. I'm going to send them straight to Hell, where they belong", says Tim to himself, looking at himself in his car's front mirror. Judging by Tim's appearance, it seems as if he hasn't had a shower in weeks and from all the anxiety and depression, he received from the death of his brother, John, his eyes are blood shot red and his face is covered with beard stubble from not shaving. At this moment, Tim is driving his old, rusty, brown 1973 Ford Mustang, down an empty road heading toward the Yellow Creek Forrest. Outside of the car, evening is approaching and the sky is filled with brilliant colors of orange, purple and pink, as the sun set over the horizon, beneath the trees which occupied the Yellow Creek Forrest. "I'll show them", says Tim as he opens up the glove compartment across from him, next to the passenger side and takes some unlabelled pills out of a small white jar from within the glove compartment and swallows them whole. "They'll pay for what they did to me...for what they did to my brother." Tim then feels a relaxing sensation circulate throughout his entire body and for a moment, his eyes rolled to the back of his head in pure ecstasy. "That was some good shit", says Tim to himself. Up ahead, a sign is mounted on top of a grassy plain, next to the road, that read: "Welcome To The Yellowcreek Forrest."

Three minutes later, Tim is outside of his parked car, next to the entry into the Yellowcreek Forrest. "I gotta do this", says Tim as he takes his 9mm automatic handgun from his holster, wrapped around his waste under his shirt and loads it with a magazine clip, he took out of his right pants pocket. Tim then took a few steps, before he abruptly stopped, almost dropping his gun from his right hand as he put his left hand on his forehead as echos of his past intruded upon his mind. "John", says Tim to himself. "I should of been the one to go out to face the wolves." "It's alright, Tim", says a disembodied voice coming from within the forest in front of him. "What was that?", says Tim. There was no response. "Must be from the pills, I took", says Tim. "Must be..." Tim then shakes his head, trying to stop troubling thoughts and walks on into the forest, in front of him.

Tim walked deeper and deeper into the forest. He walked past many trees, who have lived longer than he has and many bushes that weren't even here when his brother died. Above the forest, the sun has already set, giving the night sky a dark purple hue and almost blinds Tim's vision as he walks through the forest. As Tim walks on into the forest, he thinks. Thinks deeply. His thoughts surrounded by revenge. He wonders, does killing the wolves with a gun, really satisfy him or would he rather kill them with his bare hands or would he rather kill them with his teeth like they did to his brother. An eye for an eye, Tim thinks to himself. The very thought of the ways in which he would kill the wolves, made Tim slightly drool at the mouth, making saliva drip down his lips onto the leaf and dirt covered forest ground. Tim then feels a mind numbing sensation surge throughout his entire body. Tim then puts his left hand on his forehand and his gun falls from his right hand onto the dirty, forest ground. Tim then puts his right hand on his forehand, also, in which memories of his past intruded upon his mind once more in what he thought was an apex of his high that he received from swallowing those mind altering pills. "Those god damn pills", says Tim to himself. "Get out of the forest, Tim. You have no business, here. Get out, now!", says a disembodied voice coming from within the forest. Tim then swerves around, looking in every direction possible, in his surroundings, to see where that strange voice was coming from. "Who's there?!", says Tim. "Get out, Tim. What's wrong with him? Is he okay?", says the disembodied voice. "Leave now! It's okay, Tim. It wasn't your fault." "Leave me alone!", yells Tim. "Who are you?! Who are you?!", says Tim as he drops to his knees. "What do you want from me?!" Tim then begins to cry as the voices continue. "What's wrong with him? Poor guy. Tim, leave now! It's not worth it. Go back, now, while you still can", says the disembodied voice. "Go away! You're not real!", says Tim as he collapses on the forest ground.

A few hours later, Tim awoke to the sound of a howl, which echoed throughout the entire forest. "What happened?", says Tim as he gets up from off of the forest ground and picks up his gun. "Jesus Christ, the dude, who sold me these pills was serious when he told me that it was some strong shit." Tim then shakes his head and walks on into the forest. Tim walks deeper and deeper into the forest and sees a cabin, up ahead. "I recognize that", says Tim to himself. Tim walks closer and closer in the direction of the cabin and hears someone screaming in pain. "Help me! Somebody please help me!", yells the man. "I'm coming!", yells Tim. Tim then runs in the direction of the cabin. Tim ran as fast as he could to aid the man in need and as he neared the cabin, he saw five wolves next to cabin, eating something. "Oh my God", says Tim under his breath. "I'm coming! Don't worry!", yells Tim as he neared the cabin. "Help!", yells the man. Tim then ran up to the cabin, next to the wolves, tearing at the man's flesh. The man screamed, frantically as the wolves sank their razor sharp teeth into his body, tearing out chunks of flesh from various spots on his body and the chunks of flesh, slowing sliding down their throats and the look on the man's face was of pure panic and fright. Tim then pointed his 9mm automatic handgun at point blank range at one of the wolves' head and let out a shot. The gun blast, echoed throughout the entire forest, making a few birds resting on a tree branch, fly away into the distance. The wolf that got shot in the head, collapsed on the forest ground, dead. A pool of blood, layed beside the fallen wolf's head, on the grassy, forest ground. Tim then repeated the same thing with the four remaining wolves, killing all of them, leaving gun shot wounds in the middle of their forehands, yet the wolves' eyes remained open. Eyes as red as blood stared back at Tim and white, soapy foam dripped from the dead wolves' open mouths. "Thank you. Thank you", says the man laying on the forest ground, covered in blood. "Here, let me help you up", says Tim. Tim then reached out his hand and helped the man onto his feet. "Thank you very much. I was almost killed", says the man. "No problem", says Tim. "Can you give me a napkin to wipe the blood off of my face? It's really stinging my eyes", says the man. The man's face is crimson red from blood and his face wasn't the only thing that was covered in blood, huge blood stains ran up and down his shirt and jeans. "Okay", says Tim as he reaches into his left pants pocket and takes out a napkin. Tim then hands the man, the napkin and the man then wipes his face with it. The color of the napkin went from that of dove white to cherry red in just a matter of moments. "Thank you", says the man. "You're welcome", says Tim. "You want me to take you to the hospital?" "No, I'll be alright", says the man. "Okay, are you sure? Those wolves messed you up, pretty bad", says Tim. "Yes, I'm sure", says the man. "Oh okay", says Tim. After the man was done wiping all the blood from off of his face, Tim thought that he looked strangely familiar. "Oh my God", says Tim as a wave of shock and confusion washes over his face because the man standing in front of him is not a stranger, but his dead brother, John. "John?", says Tim with a shocked voice. "Yes, Tim. Now, get out of the forest!", yells John as he lunges at Tim, knocking him onto the forest ground. "What are you doing?!", yells Tim. John then stands over a shocked Tim, with a menacing look on his face. "I'm going to do something that I should of done a long time ago", says John as he jumps on Tim and bites his neck, ripping into his flesh with his teeth, as blood streamed down from John's mouth.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Get off of me!", says Tim as he opens his eyes. Tim awoke to a cool, damp night, lying on the forest ground, looking up at the hidden sky, blocked by trees of the forest. "What? John?", says Tim as he looks around and realizes that he is lying in the same spot that he had passed out on, hours ago and that his whole confrontation with his dead brother, John and the five wolves was all just a terrible dream. "Shit, what a dream", says Tim as he gets up from off of the forest ground and picks up his gun, lying beside him, with his right hand. "I knew that I heard somewhere that those pills that, that guy sells, gives some people terrible night terrors", says Tim to himself, shaking his head, trying hard to get the dream that he just had, out of his mind. "But Jesus Christ...what a dream. It felt so real." Tim then glances at the gun that he is holding in his right hand. "I need to get this over with as soon as possible", says Tim. "So, I can finally sleep better at night, knowing that those wolves are no longer breathing." Tim then walked on into the forest, with great thoughts of spite and malice towards the evil wolves who took the life of his brother.

Twigs and small branches snapped under Tim's feet as he walked throughout the forest. The night was getting later and later and Tim was starting to feel more and more fatigued, but thought nothing of it, as the thought of killing the wolves who murdered his brother, kept him going. Up above the forest, the sky was of dark purple and light fog surrounded the yellow moon, hanging high in the night sky. A loud howl from a wolf is heard in the distance and that howl made a grin form on Tim's face as he now knows that wolves are nearby. "Those wolves are as good as dead", says Tim. Tim walks on and on into the forest and up ahead, Tim sees a shaking bush, close by. "This is my chance. My chance for revenge", says Tim. Tim then squeezes the trigger on his 9mm handgun and let's out a shot at the shaking bush, which seemed to echo throughout the entire forest. After that, the creature that was making the bush, shake, fell out of the bush, dead. The creature that fell out of the bush was a brown rabbit. The left side of the rabbit's head appears to be blown off from the gun shot and a small pool of blood surrounded the dead rabbit's body, lying on the forest ground. Tim then walks up to the dead rabbit, lying on the forest ground and looks down at it. "I wasted a fucking bullet on this", says Tim. "God damn it." After Tim said that, a wolf jumps from out of a bush, opposite of him and tackles him to the ground and Tim's gun falls from his hand. "Oh shit!", says Tim as he holds back the wolf's head with his two hands, stopping the wolf from making quick work of him. Tim then glances at his gun, lying to the side of him. "Fuck, how am I going to do this?", says Tim. The look on the wolf's face, staring back at Tim was a look of pure madness, trying with every ounce of its being, to break away from Tim's hands, from which are blocking it from eating him, alive. Tim then takes one hand from off of the wolf's head and reaches for his gun, but now, Tim can't hold the wolf back, any longer. The wolf then sunk his razor sharp teeth into Tim's right shoulder. "Ahhhhhh", screams Tim in pure pain and agony. Tim then grabs the gun and puts it to the wolf's skull and let's out a shot. A loud noise, pierces through the air as a bullet from the chamber of Tim's 9mm handgun, comes loose and makes its way through the wolf's skull, leavings bits of the wolf's brain, splatted on the forest ground, beside him as it falls down on the ground, dead, leaving a pool of blood, surrounding its head. "Fuck", says Tim as he gets up from off of the forest ground, with his left hand holding onto the wound on his right shoulder and his right hand holding onto his gun. Thick, dark lines of blood trickled down Tim's shirt to the ground, below. "Shit", says Tim, feeling the pain of the wolf bite and the large gash it made in his right shoulder. "That fucking piece of shit", says Tim as he looks down at the dead wolf. Tim then aims his gun at the wolf's head, once more and squeezes the trigger and empties out his entire clip into the wolf's skull. The noise from the gun shots made a mass of birds flee from the trees from which they occupied and onto the horizon. Pieces of the wolf's skin, blood and brains were embedded into the forest ground, after Tim's gun shots. The wolf had become a shell of its former self. "That was for my brother, you piece of shit!", says Tim as he releases the empty clip onto the forest ground and puts a fresh, fully loaded clip, which he received from his right pants pocket, into his 9mm automatic handgun. "You fuck with him, you fuck with me!", says Tim. "You disgusting piece of shit." Tim then hears a loud growl from behind his shoulder. "What's that?", says Tim as he turns around and see a wolf looking back at him. "Oh fuck, another one", says Tim. The wolf's eyes was as red as blood, glowing in the dark night and the wolf's mouth was open, bearing its teeth and white, soapy foam, dripped down from the wolf's razor sharp teeth to the ground, below. The wolf then let out a loud bark and charged towards Tim. At that moment, Tim squeezed the trigger on his gun and a bullet came loose and pierced through the air and hit the wolf directly in the forehand. The wolf then collapsed on the forest ground, dead, with a pool of red, oozing blood, surrounding its head, from which the gun shot was conflicted. A crooked smile then forms on Tim's face. "They're just lining up for me", says Tim. After Tim said that, a bush in front of him, shook. "Yes...another one", says Tim. A wolf then steps out of the shaking bush, staring back at Tim, with eyes riddled with rage and carnage and madness embedded into the core of its being, with eyes red with murder. Tim then aimed his gun at the wolf's head from where he's standing, but then hears a growl from behind him. Tim then turns around and sees another wolf staring back at him with malice intent, showing deeply in its red eyes. "Oh shit", says Tim, unsure if he'd be able to stop both wolves or will they gain the upper hand and do the same deed on him as they done onto his late brother. Both wolves then charged at Tim and leaped at him, trying to knock him down, but Tim dropped to the ground, before they could take him down and in affect, the wolves crashed into each other. Tim then crawled away from the wolves and pointed his gun at one of the wolves' head and let out a shot. A bullet then came loose from the chamber of Tim's 9mm handgun and entered one of the wolves' forehead's and came out, the other side of its skull, leaving bits of the wolf's flesh and brains on the ground from which it fell, dead. Tim then repeated the same action to the other wolf, leaving both wolves dead, gun shot wounds in the center of each of their forehands, with blood dripping from the wounds from the center of their cranium's. Tim then got up from off of the forest ground, with a grin displayed on his sweat covered face. "Four down, one to go", says Tim. "Now, it's time to take care of the one with the funny looking eyes." Tim then stared at the bush, in front of him, waiting for another wolf to come out, so he could kill it. Eyes as cold as ice, stared at the bush, waiting patiently for it to shake, waiting to take the life of another wolf. The bush then shook in front of Tim, once more. "Bring it on. You piece of shit", says Tim as he points his gun at the shaking bush. A wolf then steps out of the bush. The wolf has one brown eye and one blue eye and the colors of its eyes were surrounded with deep, dark redness. The wolf stared back at Tim, breathing heavily, while bearing its dark yellow, corroded teeth, dripping of saliva and white, soap like foam. The expression on the wolf's face was that of rage and malice, with a stare that burned a hole through Tim and would shake any man to the core of their being, but not Tim. Tim had nothing to lose and would do anything to exact revenge of the wolves who ruined his life and took the life of his twin brother, John. "You're going to die, you son of a bitch. Your murderous reign of terror will end, tonight!", says Tim, with a voice fulled with anger and a lust for revenge. The wolf then stepped forward and growled at Tim and a bright, green glow is seen from the wolf's open mouth, bearing its teeth and a bright, red glow is seen from its eyes. "Oh my God...that wolf's a fucking demon", says Tim with a shocked voice, noticing its demonic glow from its mouth and eyes. The wolf then let out a vicious bark and leap at Tim and at that same moment, Tim squeezed the trigger on his gun. A bullet blasted from the chamber of Tim's gun and meet at the wolf's mid-section, making the wolf fall to the ground, but still breathing. Tim then walks up to the injured wolf on the ground and looks down at it. The wolf's facial expressions did not change. The wolf still had a lot of rage and comtemp in its face, as a mass of blood, flowed from the gun shot wound in its mid-section. "I'm going to end this once and for all", says Tim as he aims his gun at the dying wolf's head. Tim then lets go of his gun and it falls to the ground as Tim jumps on top of the dying wolf and sinks his teeth into the wolf's neck, tearing at its flesh, with blood streaming from Tim's mouth. The wolf then let out howls of pain and agony as Tim ripped at its skin, tearing chunks of its flesh out of its neck and the chunks of flesh, slowly sliding down Tim's throat. The wolf then let out its dying breath as Tim, bites into its neck, with dark, red blood staining Tim's lips. Tim then gets off of the dead wolf and stands up and looks down at the wolf, he had just killed. "It's's finally over", says Tim, feeling relieved. "I can't believe it, it's fucking over. All this torment is done. The wolves who killed my brother are dead and now I can feel good again. Man, did those wolves pay for what they did...boy did they pay big time." Tim then looks down at one of the dead wolves with a twisted, psychotic look on his face. "But what now?", says Tim. "What am I going to do, now? John won't come back. He's gone. Gone forever. He'll never come back. This was all just a waste of my fucking time. I mean look at me. I'm in the middle of the fucking forest and I just killed a pack of wolves and I killed one of them with my fucking teeth." Tim then looks at his gun, lying on the forest ground. "Look at me. I don't have anything to live for. My life is worthless. I have nothing. Nothing!", yells Tim. Tim then picks up his gun from off of the forest ground and puts it to his head and says, "What a world...what a fucking world. You go on a camping trip with your brother and then he gets killed by these scum...these fucking scum and he won't come, he won't come back. He'll never come back, but this is the only way. The only way I can meet him again and that is in the after life." Tim then squeezed his eyes shut and pulled the trigger.

"Tim! Tim wake up!" Tim then opened his eyes and awoke in his room, lying down in his bed, under the covers and saw his brother, John, looking over him. "John?", says Tim in a shocked voice. "Tim, come on. We got to get ready for the camping trip", says John. "A camping trip?", says Tim with a confused voice. "Yeah, the camping trip. The one to the Yellow Creek Forest. We planned to go there, today, remember?", says John with an annoyed voice. "I guess...but John, I just had this amazing dream. I mean, it felt so real, I mean, the dream felt like it took place for years, it was crazy, man", says Tim. "Oh really? What happened?", asks John. "Well, we go to the Yellow Creek Forest and we encounter some wolves and these wolves are like demons, driven on evil and they chased us down, all over the forest and into a cabin and killed Lucky and killed you, too..", says Tim. "Wow...", says John, interupting him. "And then, a little while later, I get a gun and come back for revenge and I kill all the wolves and I even killed one like they killed you, with my teeth", says Tim. "Wow, man. You really need therapy. I'm serious", says John, jokingly. "Nah, man. This dream felt so real. Maybe it is some kind of premonition, so cancel the trip because I'm not going", says Tim. "Nah, man. Don't be gay. I've been really looking forward to going on this trip, so don't spoil it for me, it was only a dream, dude. I mean really. It wasn't real", says John. "Nah, I'm serious. I'm staying, right here in bed and you can't do anything to stop me", says Tim. "Okay, whatever. If you're not going, then I'll go by myself with Lucky", says John. John was just about to leave the room, but Tim springed out of bed and wrapped his arms, around him. "No, I won't let you leave", says Tim. "Get off of me, you dumbass", says John with an annoyed voice. "No!", yells Tim. "Get off of me!", yells John. "No, I will never let you go. You're going to stay, right here with me", says Tim. A smile then forms around, Tim's face because he finally got what he wanted, his brother, John back and the wolves, dead, well, atleast in his mind.

"You're new on the job, so I'm going to show you the ropes", says Eric West, a man with dark, brown hair and light, brown eyes, wearing a white, button down shirt and white pants. "Okay", says Keith Albright, who has bright, blue eyes and light, blonde hair and is also wearing a white, button down shirt and white pants. "But first give me the back-story of some of the inmates, you know like how did they wind up here." "Okay", says Eric. Eric and Keith are walking down a long hallway, past many rooms with little barred windows, some of them with people looking at them from the other side of the window, giving them funny faces. Eric and Keith then stop at one of the rooms and looks inside the window. Inside the room, the walls are all padded and they can see Tim, sitting on the floor, staring off into space in an almost catatonic like state, with drool dripping down his mouth. Tim is wearing an all white v-neck gown, showing a small part of his chest and his hair is all white and messy, looking like something suitable for a bird to nest in. "Well, this guy is named Timothy McGane. His mother admitted him here, a little while ago", says Eric. "What happened to him?", asks Keith. "Well, he lost his mind after he witnessed his brother get eaten by a pack of wolves. Now, he doesn't even speak. He just sits there and stares off. He's like a vegetable, now", says Eric. "Oh, poor guy. Has he said anything, since he came here?", asks Keith. "Yes, he has. He said, one word. One time, when I came in there to take him to electroshock therapy, he said the word, John. I presume that John, was his brother that got eaten by the wolves. He seemed pretty shooken up when he said it, too", says Eric. "Oh wow, I hope he gets better. Poor guy", says Keith. "Yeah, I hope he gets better, too", says Eric. "Well, Keith, I'd like to tell you more about the inmates, but I have my lunch break, about now, so I'll see you in an hour." "Okay, see you later", says Keith. "Bye", says Eric as he leaves the hallway and into the front office of the building and then leaves the office to a bright, sunny day, outside. Eric then gets into his car and drives off, as the sun beats heavily down on his car and on the building behind him, which had a sign on it, that read, "YellowCreek Mental Hospital." Meanwhile, Keith is still looking at Tim in his padded room, through the small barred window. "I wonder what he is thinking", says Keith, curious of what is going through Tim's mind, sitting on the floor in the small padded room, staring off into space. A smile then forms on Tim's face. Tim thinks of how he exacted revenge on the wolves who took his brother's life and how sweet it felt to do so and how it felt to once again, reunite, with his long lost brother, but not in reality, but in his own mind, for which he will be lost in, until the day he dies.

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