Always Remember to Have Courage and Be Kind.

by Roxanne Lea Dubarry


Always remember to have courage and be kind by being kinder than necessary

Always remember to have courage and be kind.

Just try being kinder than it is necessary to be and,

By trusting and believing in your beloved

Savior and LORD. Jesus Christ to set you free;

For whoever the Son of Man sets free is free indeed.


Only genuine courage and kindness will chase

The darkened clouds of spiritual blindness.

The morning sun will shine in the sky,

The very moment you arise

by opening up your sleepy eyes!


You must always to remember to treat

Other people the same way you want

To treat you. You might remember your

Own loved ones trying to teach you.

All the time you remained a small child.


Practicing the golden rule will guide

Your conscience your entire life through.

Jesus Christ wants us love and forgive

other people too. When you forgive

Your enemies and friends, your blessings

Will never end!


Love in Christ Jesus! Roxanne Lea Dubarry

Roxy Lea l954

Roxy 54/ October Country

April 09, 2019

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