Internet Genocide

by Jack Karolewski


A secret Russian plot to gradually eliminate American and European Millennials through their obsessive use of the internet...

                                      INTERNET GENOCIDE

​Vladimir Putin was a colonel in the KGB for sixteen years, beginning in 1975. He was always fascinated with the possibility of defeating the West by using new forms of bio-chemical warfare. He worked behind the scenes with top Soviet scientists on a secret project called "Operation Disable" before the U.S.S.R. collapsed in late December, 1991.

​When Boris Yeltsin appointed Putin as the new Russian President on the last day of 1999, Putin finally had both the economic means and the political power to put his plans for Operation Disable into motion. The ultimate goal of the project was to wipe out the internet in the United States and in Europe while simultaneously crippling their combined projected population growth-curves.

​Before the Soviet Union dissolved, Putin had a trained cadre of thirty-six male and female agents legally immigrate to the United States. Their aim was to get various government jobs, but only in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They were to lose their Russian language accents, change their names, and blend into ordinary American life as much as possible. After twenty years, in 2011, they would be the secret vanguard to put Operation Disable into action.

​Here's how the plan was designed to work: The Millennial generations (and all of those younger) in America and in Europe would be slowly poisoned through certain foods and beverages they consumed, while their daily addiction to the internet became increasingly uncontrollable. Every time they used a computer keyboard, or tapped their electronic tablets, or texted on their cell phones, they were subtly, bio-chemically, killing themselves. Because the human body, particularly the human brain, works on electrical impulses -- and because the internet, wi-fi, and all electronic devices work on invisible electro-magnetic frequencies - Putin's scientists had discovered a highly-concentrated, odorless-colorless-tasteless chemical which altered the basic chemistry of the human brain and the rest of the human reproduction system. This chemical (code-named "Red Surprise") could be rendered in either powder or liquid form. Once inside the body, whenever the victim utilized the internet through an electronic device, they unwittingly activated the sinister molecules of Red Surprise.

​The initial effect of the drug caused zombie-like,compulsive staring at Smartphones and computer screens. Other behavioral reactions soon followed. They included a compulsion for checking for any texts or email messages hundreds of times a day, and frantically needing to play video games for hours non-stop every day. Soon, family and social disintegration occurred as young people withdrew from their parents and their friends in favor of increasing their own time to be alone on the internet. As the addiction became worse and worse, sperm cell count in the young males plummeted, and later, the onset of brain cancer in both males and females occurred, eventually leading to death.

                            Vladimir Putin was Russian President until 2008, but then he immediately transitioned to becoming Russian Prime Minister for the next four years. (He again resumed the Russian presidency in 2012.) This allowed him to freely visit Russian embassies and consulates in 2011 all across America, as well as those in the capitals of Europe. In his 'immune-from-inspection' diplomatic pouches were secret deliveries of Red Surprise, in concentrated powder and liquid form. His thirty-six American operatives (and his additional twenty-four European agents) were then covertly supplied with the drug. Merely one drop of the concentrated liquid could infect one million gallons of any fluid with its sinister poison; likewise, just one gram of powder could do the same, when blended in similar ratio with any solid food source. Now -- as veteran federal FDA inspectors -- the operatives visited food and beverage company supply plants which especially catered to Millennials: Hot Pockets, frozen pizzas, most microwave foods, fast-food restaurant suppliers, Starbucks coffee, Red Bull, and other energy drink makers. Any skeptical plant managers quickly became compliant when they were warned that hefty fines could be levied against them, should they interfere with the Federal Government adding new but necessary "anti-bacterial" powder or liquid concentrates to their production lines every six months. They were told that the new measure had to be kept secret so as not to panic the public, further explaining that their directive came specifically from the Centers for Disease Control headquarters in Atlanta. Similar events took place under the false aegis of the European Union, using Putin's other twenty-four trained agents already living and working there.

                        While all of this was happening, a frumpy, 50-ish, investigative reporter for the Washington Examiner named Dirk Van Zett began a series of newspaper articles on the shocking rise in health problems plaguing Millennials. Health officials noted a steady increase in hormonal imbalance in both American males and females of that age group. Why were marriages occurring later and later? Why were fewer children being born? What was causing the surge in the national numbers of gays, lesbians, and trans-genders? Why were male sperm counts dropping -- making them now less than 50% of 1990 levels? Why were brain cancer fatalities increasing among Millennials? Why were these troubling indicators also occurring in Europe, but not in Africa, South America, Asia, or Australia?Van Zett started digging for some answers.

​Putin next contacted his allies in China, Iran, North Korea, and Cuba, and recommended that they follow his lead and restrict most internet access for their populations. Even though no Red Surprise drug was introduced in those countries, Putin wanted them strong and ready to co-assume world domination with Russia once the West fell - by his estimate, in the year 2026 - some fifteen years from now.

​For almost nine long years, Dirk Van Zett labored on -- between doing other more standard newspaper reporting assignments -- trying to find the truth. He felt there had to be a connection between all the unusual things that were happening to America's Millennial generation, and now even to those younger. Why weren't seniors being affected, when their health should be the most susceptible, simply through their advanced age? Statistics showed that they used the internet and technology in general much less than did the young. Seniors also didn't consume Red Bull and Hot Pockets and Starbucks and fast food and microwave meals in large quantities, when compared to the younger generations. They used text messaging very little, if at all. Most had cheap, simple flip-phones rather than pricey Smartphones. Many seniors didn't even own a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. And many were completely unaware of the latest tech gadgets continuously unveiled for sale every year.

​Finally, Van Zett had a breakthrough. An innocent-looking, large manila envelope was delivered to his desk one morning at the Washington Examiner. Inside was a detailed document told an amazing story. A low-level lab technician at the CDCnamed Gina Wright - on her own time, just for curiosity -- happened to do a cross-test of the exact chemical ingredients of a can of Red Bull, a Philly Steak & Cheese Hot Pocketsmicrowave sandwich, and a Burrito Supreme from the local Taco Bell. All of the ingredients were normal, except for an unknown substance found in trace amounts in all three items. To ensure accuracy, she cross-tested similar samples of the same brands ten more times. Upon doing a precise analysis, she then sketched the chemical formula of the mystery substance. Afraid to share her findings with her supervisor for fear of getting fired for using government lab equipment without authorization, Gina remembered reading Dirk's newspaper articles and decided to send him a copy of the formula with a detailed explanation.

​Dirk took the file - keeping Gina Wright's name anonymous - to his personal physician, to see if he could make any sense out of it. He couldn't, but he had a scientist-professor friend at Georgetown University who might help, so he referred Van Zett to her. Her name was Dr. Nora Stilwell.

​Three days after he dropped off copies of the file to Dr. Stilwell, Dirk got a call back with the results.

​"Well, it's something new...I've never come across anything like it. Bottom line, Dirk: it's ultimately toxic to human life. It lethally interferes with the entire neural activity of the brain. It wrecks the body's male and female hormonal balance. And, to make matters worse, it's addictive as hell. Look, Mr. Van Zett, you better get the FBI in on this right away. You could have evidence here of some kind of twisted terrorist plot to kill us, maybe through poisoning our nation's food and water supply."

​It took until 2020 for the FDA and the CDC to eliminate Red Surprise from all Millennial food and beverage products in America - with the EU following suit -- although the source of the poison was never directly linked back to either Putin or the Russians. (Both Russia and China were determined to be the most likely suspects, however.) Unfortunately, companies like Starbucks and Red Bull and Hot Pockets never recovered, and went out of business. The public was afraid to ever trust their products again. But the U.S. Government went further with aneven more dramatic step: It totally eliminated the internet over a 12-month phase-out period, through an Act of Congress, officially signed by the President. Computers, wi-fi, cell phones, and other related technologies were soon rendered virtually useless.

​At first, the internet-addicted Millennials howled and complained, and some even rioted in major cities across the country. How could they live without emails and text messaging, or without YouTube and Facebook? Soon, however, Europe followed America's lead and went internet- and computer-free. Most global businesses and banks quickly adapted themselves. One of the first to embrace the change was the previous internet giant, Amazon. They and others like them had no alternative. Those that refused rapidly failed and went bankrupt.

​Dirk Van Zett became a hero as the undauntedwhistleblower whose journalistic persistence saved countless lives. Gina Wright finally came forward, too, of her own accord, and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Dirk attended the ceremony, so the pair got to meet for the first timeat the White House. She was also promoted to the directorship of her department at the CDC.

​With no other direction to go at this point in its history, America basically 'turned back the clock.' Land-line phone service returned with a vengeance. People started writing letters again. The U.S. Postal Service happily went back into profitability. Families, friends, and neighbors resumed the lost art of talking face-to-face. Libraries were again flooded by patrons needing reference questions answered, and by students checking out books for research and for pleasure. 'Brick and mortar' retail stores re-opened and thrived. Gone were the days of zombie-like staring into Smartphones and computer screens for umpteen hours each and every day. And perhaps the biggest surprise of all was that most people gradually liked going back to the pre-internet, pre-computer days. Folks noticed the awesome beauty of nature again, and exercised more outdoors, and prepared and ate better meals, and socialized in a more natural, human way. Marriages and childbirths soared. Anxiety, depression, feelings of alienation, and even violence all diminished as well over the years.

​After a generation -- that is, by the year 2050 --the internet was just another peculiar topic found in history books. By then, fear and paranoia had ultimately caused the other countries of the world - even Russia itself -- to abandon the internet and the 'lifestyle' of the computer. Curious children occasionally asked their elders: Was it really true that people once walked around looking down at a tiny screen in their hand for hours every day, while not even talking, or noticing the life of the world around them? It was so strange and so hard to believe! they remarked...


​by Jack Karolewski

​December 29, 2018

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