The Begining

by Kautuk Srivastava


The birds cry,

The birds cry out their reverie,

As if to say,

We destroyed their destiny,

The jackal peeps,

The jackal peeps from its burrow,

To an unknown and alien world,

To a world in the present with no tomorrow,

It seems lost and shaken,

Like the emerald parrots which screech,

For minds to awaken,

Their cries are lost into the distance,

Whilst the trees lament in silent whispers,

The pitiable state of which they listen,

From the trees the hungry squirrel searches,

For answers metamorphosed in tiny nuts,

And finding none, the unforgiving world it curses,

As it passes by the pigeons come to ground,

In a quest for water after their long flight,

A desperate search but lo nothing can be found,

As they take flight a heartless animal watches,

It has no troubles nor faces it the perplexities of life,

Unbothered and unaware of the trouble he causes,

Man has begun,

Man has begun the march to destruction,

A sad but sure beginning,

On a path to cruel consumption.

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