After a 23 year career as an associate civil engineer, Devin Barber decided to stop talking about writing and just do it. From his early childhood he was an avid consumer of science fiction and hard science. Lost In Space, Star Trek, The Twilight Zone and the like were his classrooms and he never missed a NASA launch or any of the subsequent coverage of those missions.
A habitual daydreamer, Devin spent his childhood taking trips to all kinds of alien worlds and exploring the endless possibilities of the mind. The result has been three completed novellas and numerous short stories. The first of which he titled 'The Ship.' It's based on his own childhood fantasy of being in command of his own spaceship.
While working as an engineer, Devin gained a reputation for his ability to explain complex engineering issues with his conversational writing style. Now he combines these talents to take his readers on a journey that expands the mind and the strength of the human spirit.
Joined: December 2015
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